Top Jewish “Holocaust Expert” Admits in Court: “NO Evidence of Nazi ‘Gas Chambers’ or ‘Final Solution'”

The video below is from a 1985 Canadian public television news broadcasts and is not copyrighted.

Did Six Million Really Die?

In the first part of the clip about the 1985 trial of Ernst Zundel in Canada, the newscaster describes how Ernst Zundel’s defense lawyer Douglas Christie demolishes “Holocaust” expert Raul Hilberg on the witness stand.  Afterward, summaries of views on the “Holocaust” by defense witnesses Prof. Robert Faurisson, Dr. Russell Barton, Dr. William Lindsey and Thies Christophersen are given.  Particularly significant is Dr. Barton’s testimony: as an eyewitness at Bergen-Belsen he states categorically that the deaths at that camp were not due to a deliberate policy of extermination regardless of false commentary over photographs and film depicting stacked corpses.

The last part of the video shows some fanatical Jewish Defense League (JDL) Holohoaxers demonstrating animalistic tendencies outside of the courthouse.

Holocaust Hoax at Treblinka: Ground Penetrating Radar and Core Samples Show No Mass Graves

The official Treblinka, Poland story: “Treblinka II was a Nazi German extermination camp in occupied Poland during World War II. Around 850,000 people – more than 99.5 percent of whom were Jews, but also other victims (among them 2,000 Romani people) – were killed there between July 1942 and October 1943.”

The video below shows how a team of Australian researchers tested the grounds throughout this entire so-called “extermination camp” at Treblinka.  The team of researchers, using ground penetrating radar and taking core samples which have been independently validated by many others, found no evidence of human remains under the ground at Treblinka.